3 Ways to Understand The Law of Attraction Better
No doubt, you’ve probably watched “The Secret” and wanted to know more about the law of attraction.
There are plenty of teachers out there talking about the law of attraction, but the truth is that the law of attraction is just a name.
Nobody is really 100% sure of what the law of attraction really is or how it works. The basic premise is that like attracts like. You can imagine yourself as a magnet attracting all of the circumstances, people and things in your life. Your thoughts, visions, and feelings all work to attract certain things into your life. But the deeper you understand the law of attraction, the more you realize that you possess a greater responsibility for the things that happen in your life.
This is a hard pill to swallow, especially if you’ve been brought up to believe that something or someone outside of you is punishing or rewarding you for something. It’s also difficult to understand when it seems that some things just happen to you. But the law of attraction goes beyond your conscious mind, it also includes deep subconscious thoughts, feelings and visions. In many cases, those deeper, hidden feelings and programs can override what you consciously think and feel. Your subconscious feelings tend to have stronger and deeper roots, while your conscious thoughts don’t.
You can imagine a tree with branches above the earth surface and thick roots beneath the surface. Understanding the law of attraction requires a lifetime of learning and experience. It’s simply not enough to watch a movie and then knowing it. But there are ways you can understand more about the law of attraction and use it to bring you more of what you want in life.
Here they are:
1. Read books on the law of attraction there have been countless books written on it such as The Master Key System By Charles Haanel, Seth Material By Jane Roberts, Think & Grow Rich (The Original Edition) by Napoleon Hill, Psycho-Cybernetics, Law of Attraction by Michael Losier, and Art of Allowing by Esther Hicks.
Some of these may not use the term law of attraction, but when reading the books you will come to understand the deeper level of what law of attraction actually means. (There are way too many books to list here, so this is only a preliminary list)
2. Exercise the law of attraction daily even if you just found out about this today, put it into practice. Look for evidence of the things you want and work towards them relentlessly!
You can simply bombard yourself with as many affirmations as you want, but if there isn’t any execution, don’t expect the things you want to fall in place naturally.
3. Be patient with yourself. The law of attraction is literally you. Don’t expect overnight changes from yourself. Be balanced while still being open-minded to great possibilities.
At the core, the law of attraction is love. Your subconscious does not judge, and it only obeys your repeated conscious commands or the things you consistently think, feel and see. The universe is the same way. It’s unconditional love. That deeper level of you doesn’t judge, and it only brings you what you have consistently focused on.
So even if you keep saying that you don’t want something and you keep thinking about the things you do NOT want, guess what? You’re focusing on those things. And you’re bringing more of those things to yourself. The key is to shift your focus to the things you do want.